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The Creative Wedding Organizer and Planner BONUS: Because this organizer is made to hold all the details of your wedding it is sure to become a wonderful keepsake book. |
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If you prefer a computerized organizer The Master Wedding Planning Guide is available online for download. This guide is HUGE and includes help with:
You can't splurge on everything, but set priorities and treat yourself to at least one special item to make your big day the best. Maybe it is the limo ride or the best fresh flowers you can find. You decide. Then budget the rest of the wedding around whatever you choose to be the priority.
Every couple can have an exquisite wedding on almost any budget. It's all a matter of planning.
First Things First
Three things you will need to do immediately are to find a photographer and choice of sites for your wedding ceremony and wedding reception. Contact the appropriate person for each service and reserve the date of your wedding. Both of these need to be booked as soon as possible to guarantee they will be available on the date of your wedding.
Keep notes, in your wedding organizer of your observations when visiting different wedding and or reception sites. Ask whether the price quoted is all inclusive, or will there be additional charges such as gratuities, overtime fees, and sales tax. Be sure to get all details in writing.
Choosing a Photographer
This is a very big day in your life. Photos of the wedding will be a cherished momento for the rest of your life as well as treasured history for your children and grandchildren. Choosing a reliable photographer is extremely important. This is one part of your wedding which should be completely trusted only to a professional.
There is often an ameteur photographer in the family anxious to sharpen their skills who will offer to photograph your wedding. Don't discourage them. If they are willing, allow them to photograph the ceremony, but don't cancel the professional. There are two reasons for this. First, they will be taking photos of the same poses as the professional. If their photos turn out well you have a good cheap source for the many family reprints needed. Second, even professional photographers have bad days or days when their equipment doesn't work like it should. It never hurts to have a backup plan in place.
When choosing a photographer it is important to ask the following questions:
Every photographer has their own unique style. Be sure to ask for a sample of their work to see if you like what you see.
Finding the Perfect Bridal Gown
Searching for the perfect wedding gown is both an enjoyable, pleasant experience and a lot of hard work at the same time. To make your search easier it is best to have some idea of what you like before you begin your search. Wedding magazines have lots of pictures and are a good place to begin.
Local bridal shops do not always carry much selection in larger, plus size dresses, but you will be able to find plenty of options online. See Plus Size World Bridal for more detail.
Choosing a wedding gown is a very personal experience. Almost anything is acceptable, so do it your way. Keep in mind the type of wedding you are planning to have and the location as well as, of course, budget and your own personal comfort in the gown.
Certain documents will be needed for applying for your marriage license as well as for honeymoon travel. These documents can take time to receive so it is best to plan ahead.
Most states require a birth certificate as proof of age and identity before issuing a marriage license. To obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate contact the bureau of vital statistics agency in the state, county or parish in which you were born. If you have trouble obtaining this information on your own contact a company, such as USA Trace, where experts can help you in obtaining this type of information.
Travel into Canada or Mexico requires only a drivers license and birth certificate to enter. If you will be traveling outside the United States to any other country you will need a passport and possibly a visa. Check with the U.S. Department of State or your travel agent for travel requirements to the country of your destination.
Decide whether to use a caterer, a hotel, a restaurant, or fix your own food for the reception. This decision is as much a matter of choice as cost. While finding a way to do this part of the wedding yourself is a great money saver, it is very difficult to do all that is required to host a successful party and still enjoy being part of the party itself at the same time. Friends and family could help with hosting of the reception but may prefer to be guests instead of volunteer workers.
If you decide to use a caterer there are still ways in which you can cut costs. You can save money by serving a sit-down luncheon instead of a fancy dinner and also by ordering food which is in season and easy to obtain. You may also want to ask the caterer if you're allowed to bring some of your own entrees, condiments or desserts to help cut costs.
A professional caterer will be able to help you plan everything about your party including your menu and budget, as well as being able to supply most all your party needs including table covering, dishes, silver, ice, music, servers and cleanup staff. A professional caterer has the experience necessary to help you plan a successful party.
When you are searching for a wedding caterer be sure to consider the following:
Make sure you tell the caterer how many guests you will be expecting as well as date, time and place for the party. Each of these details as well as answers to questions from the list above should be included in the contract you sign. If there is any significant change, you can get back to them before final preparations are made.
Maid of Honor, Bridesmaids, Best Man, Groomsmen and Ushers are chosen by the bride and groom as an honor to help the wedding couple celebrate their big day. If you would like more information here is a great article about the etiquette of choosing wedding attendants.
Selecting the Music: Musicians, Live Band, or DJ
Music sets the tone for your special day and should, therefore, be chosen carefully. It is likely that you will need to select a different set of performers for the wedding than for the reception. Live bands will often have audition tapes. Be sure to ask. If a tape is not available ask where they are performing next and you may be able to attend a performance.
When interviewing and choosing a videographer it is important to ask the following questions:
Flowers are a big expense. It is not uncommon for people to spend a $1000 on flowers for their wedding.
Many couples have chosen to make their own silk bouquets. This can be a huge money saver. If you are crafty and think this is something you would like to try an excellent book to show you the way is The Knot Book of Wedding Flowers. This book includes over 150 full-color illustrations and clearly written do-it-yourself instructions.
How should you choose which flowers to use? You could choose to match the style of your wedding. Some flower, for example roses, seem to give a more old-fashioned touch to the ceremony. A consultant with a professional florist can help you decide which flowers would be a good match.
Over the years different types of flowers have developed specific symbolic meanings. You could choose flowers based on their symbolic meaning. This list of flowers and their meaning may give you an idea of which flowers you would like to use.
And if you still can't decide, go with whatever pleases you personally based on sight or smell.
FUN TIP: Instead of traditional Baby's Breath ask the florist to use baby spider plants in your bouquet as filler between flowers. These tiny spider plants can later be planted and kept as a nice reminder of your wedding.
Registering For Shower & Wedding Gifts
Creating gift registers makes gift giving easy for you as well as for your friends and family. Friends and family appreciate being able to purchase something they know you need and will use. For you it helps guarantee you won't be receiving duplicate gifts which will need to be returned. Many bridal registries can be established and administered online including these.
For many couples, marrying later in life means homes have already been established. There is often, in fact, two complete seperate homes - one for the bride and one for the groom - which are being combined. These well established couples already have duplicates of most items and hardly need traditional houseware gifts necessary for setting up a home.
An excellent alternative for these couples is available at www.honeyluna.com, an online honeymoon registry service. The great thing about HoneyLuna is that it allows you to seperate your honeymoon trip into small pieces which are made available for purchase. Then instead of someone simply making a cash donation, which many feel to be of poor taste, they can purchase a "Romantic dinner for two in Athens at a restaurant of their choice." or "A day of sightseeing." Information and sample registries are available. HoneyLuna has a new free registry with limited options which you administer on your own or their standard full service registry.
Choosing Invitations & Wedding Stationary
There are many different type of wedding invitations available. If you want to cut out the middle man and get a bargain, shop online. You can ask for samples for most invitations. There are also some great do-it-yourself kits available for making invitations and thank you notes on your home computer.
One of our favorite places for online wedding invitations is American Stationery. They are the manufacturer, not the reseller. Because of this they can keep their prices low. They have hundreds of invitations
from which to choose and have been in business since 1919 with an excellent reputation.
Wedding Gifts For Wedding Party
It is customary and considered proper ettiquette to give a small gift to those who have help with or been a part of your wedding. You may want to include parents or others who have been particularly supportive as well. Some bride and grooms also choose to give each other a wedding gift.
Wedding favors are intended to be small momentos given to your wedding guests as a keepsake and reminder of your wedding day. They are a symbol of gratitude and affection and a way of saying “thank you” to your guests for being a part of your wedding celebration. When favors are chosen to match a theme they also may serve to add a decorative touch to the reception or entrance hall.
The options available for favors is limited only by your imagination. If you are a crafty type person who enjoys the creative process and also has the time to spare a lot of money can be saved by making your own favors. Amazon carries many books about this subject, at least one of which should get you started.
For those who are a bit less artistically inclined there is MyWeddingFavors.com or HansonEllis
. Each place has hundreds of items available at excellent prices. My favorites are these Heart Measuring Spoons
are unique, make a popular bridal shower gift or favor and only $2.49 each. Similar and an item I also like a lot is the
Wedding Heart Coffee Scoop
Plan Your Wedding Day Itinerary
Create a list of anything which will need done on the big day. Having a list will help you feel organized and at peace knowing nothing is being forgotten. If you have purchased one of the wedding organizer recommended earlier the organizer will have a place for a list.
With months of planning behind you, it is finally all over. Now what? Take your honeymoon or at least a few days to relax. You deserve it! But don't wait too long to write those thank you notes. Most wedding ettiquette experts recommend no more than about two weeks.
If you are taking your husband's name or hyphenating your own there is a long list of people and organizations who you will need to notify. You will need a copy of your marriage license before you can begin. It will be around a month before you recieve your license in the mail. You will then need to notify the Social Security Administration, Department of Motor Vehicles, Financial Institutions such as your bank and credit card companies, utilities, phone company, doctor, dentist, accountants, news and magazine subscriptions, and passport. If you need help with this the Name Change Kit will lead you each step of the way. HINT: Ask for this in your wedding gift registry.
To keep your wedding dress looking its best for future generations it is important to have it cleaned well as soon as you can. The sooner the better before stains have a chance to set. When done properly your gown will look like new 30 years from now when your daughter may want to wear it for her own wedding or when you may want to renew vows. Even if you don't see any stains, have your dress cleaned. Body oils, clear sodas, and white icing might not leave a trace at first, but will develop into stains over time.
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