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Happy Dreamhost Customer

We have been Dreamhost customers for several years now and are happy, happy, happy to recommend them to anyone who will listen.

In 1999 we began selling on eBaytracking and needed somewhere to upload pictures for our auctions. While you can do this through eBay, we were selling quite a bit at that time and eBay picture services can get expensive. We decided to host our pictures elsewhere instead.

I can no longer remember the names of the other hosting services we used. There were several. What I do remember are the problems we faced.

The first place we chose went out of business after a few months. The second place would not reply to email about a problem we were having so we were off and looking again after only a few weeks with this one. At the third place, the server was up and down constantly. During the last bout of down time, which finally drove me away, the server was completely down for DAYS!

It was during this period with our former provider that I was lucky enough to stumble upon Dreamhost.

As one who is always on the lookout for a good deal, I am a frequent visitor to Anandtech's Hot Deals forum. (Check it out yourself. I have provided a link.)

At that time Dreamhost was celebrating an anniversary; five years if I remember correctly. They have several different hosting plans available. As a special promotion to celebrate they were offering their top level plan for the same price as their bottom level plan. This is a phenomenal deal! And it got them mentioned in Anandtech's forums.

For $9.99 a month (Their lowest plan has since gotten lower. Now only $7.95.) I was getting a whopper of a plan.

I was skeptical at first. After all, the old adage "You get what you pay for." certainly seemed to ring true from my previous experience with hosting companies. But Dreamhost was being very highly recommended by other users in the forum who had experience with them. The price was right, so I signed up.

Of all the great deals that I have found at Anandtech's forums, I still consider this among one of the best ever. We no longer sell much on eBaytracking, but there is no way I will give up my Dreamhost account. It has become much more than a picture hosting service.

A package called Miva Merchant is included FREE (A $695 value.) with the two top level packages sold by Dreamhost. Using Miva Merchant we have set up our own website complete with shopping cart. See Pamiya Jewelry & Gifts.

Because we're allowed to host multiple domain names, we have donated space to the DFW Wildlife Coalition where my sister volunteers as a wildlife habilitator. (Hi Kathy!) It is nice to have the space available and be able to do that.

I no longer backup our computer files, databases, software programs, and even family photos to disk or burn to a CD. Instead I am uploading copies of these important files to Dreamhost.

And perhaps most important of all, Dreamhost is STABLE. We've used them for several years now and the amount of downtime has been so negligible that I can hardly remember anything worth mentioning. It seems like once they were down, or rather their servers so slow they might have as well been down, for part of a day due to some sort of hacker related problem.

Overall we HIGHLY recommend this business for all your web hosting needs.

Go now to Dreamhost. Use the code "SUNMEAD20OFF" at checkout for a $20 discount on any package of your choice.

Today's Feature Site

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Offer expires Mar 11, 25.